Food & Food Science
Course #:
Natural Science
Middle School Science
Suggested Age:
Course Description:
This introductory course in food science provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, concepts, and applications in the field of food science and food. Through a combination of hands-on activities, students will explore the relevance to food processing, preservation, safety, and quality. How to eat sustainably, learn about your digestion system, learn more uses from God’s bountiful pharmacy and reduce waste. We’ll also learn about healthy ingredients, healthier ways to live, food quality and so much more.
Hands on with the following:
How to make butter
Food & mold experiment
Stomach Digestion Experiment
Mixing up your own Dressings
Homemade Electrolyte Water
Creating Sourdough Fermentation
Student At-Home Projects & Homework
• 1st Semester: 4 Projects, 5 Essays
• 2nd Semester: 9 Projects, 6 Essays
Food and Food Science Course Workbook @ ODA Bookstore
General Supplies (Both Semesters)
Composition Books – 2 per semester
Markers, Colored Pencils, and/or Markers
Poster Boards – 6 (1st Semester), 5 (2nd Semester)
In-Class Materials
1st Semester:
Lesson 5 -Digestion Project
Lesson 12 -Taste Experiment
Lesson 15 -Electrolyte Experiment
2nd Semester:
Lesson 13 -Mold Experiment
Week 17: Creating a Sourdough
Lesson 20 -Butter Experiment
Lesson 21: Create a Dressing (if time allows!)
Lesson 27 -Mystery Label Game