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Forensic Science

Course #:




Natural Science


High School Science

Suggested Age:



Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 1

Forensic Science

Course Description:

One High School Credit

This class is designed to expose students to the over 20 different scientific disciplines that contribute to Forensic Science and how they are applied, using a Biblical worldview.   It is geared toward students who have an interest in any area of the Criminal Justice system.  Topics are of a sensitive nature, so students must be able to handle the topics.

  • Topics include: Real and theoretical case studies, Drugs and Toxicology, Fingerprints, DNA, Residue and patterns, Crime labs, Facial recognition, the Judicial System, and more.

  • Students will perform activities related to the topics, have guest speakers, participate in possible field trips, and create projects for presentation.

  • Classes will have PowerPoint lectures over the material as well as labs and activities.  Notes will be taken by the students, and the instructor will determine any quizzes or exams.


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