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High School English 2

Course #:






High School English

Suggested Age:

16-18 years


High School English 1, or equivalent (Student should be able to write a basic five-paragraph essay). It is recommended that students also have completed American Literature.

High School English 2

Course Description:


High School English 2 builds on previous writing and literature studies to introduce upper high school students to rhetorical analysis, critical thinking and evaluation skills,  and the research and writing skills needed to succeed in the workplace or in university studies.


High School English 2 is an advanced composition course that builds on previous grammar and vocabulary study, as well as previous writing and literature courses to extend and expand student skills in understanding, analysis, and communication. It introduces students to rhetorical analysis, critical thinking, and evaluation skills, as well as the research and writing skills needed to succeed in the workplace or in university studies. Students explore rhetorical appeals and techniques through the study of essays, short fiction, speeches, and novels. They learn argument, persuasion, and perspective through writing essays, literary analysis, and a research paper, and develop advanced writing skills through peer review and revision. The class includes vocabulary study and grammar reinforcement and incorporates Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting and citation.

Parental Responsibilities

Parents are responsible for helping students establish a routine that includes daily grammar and sentence writing practice as well as time to work on required homework and class preparation. Parents are responsible for grading anything with a key, which includes Vocabulary and Grammar, while teachers will grade all writing, compositions, and exams. It is highly recommended that parents review student writing and offer feedback before final drafts are turned in.


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