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Dual Credit:

Foreign Language

Spanish 1

ODA Course #:

SPAN 7-731



Univ. Course #:

SPAN 1113

Credit Hours:



A basic beginning semester course for students with no previous study of Spanish. Emphasis on speaking, writing, reading, and listening, as the basis for the development of all three Communication Modes (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational). Hispanic cultures will be introduced through a variety of texts, including readings, music, art, and film. Note: Conducted in Spanish. Open to students who have not previously studied Spanish. Students who have studied Spanish for two years or more in secondary school must take the CLEP exam for appropriate placement.

Spanish 2

ODA Course #:

SPAN 7-731



Univ. Course #:

SPAN 1123

Credit Hours:


Spanish 1 or equivalent

For students with the equivalent of one semester of previous study of Spanish. The emphasis is on strengthening students’ interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in both oral and written Spanish. Hispanic cultures are presented through a variety of authentic texts, including short pieces of literature, essays, and newspaper articles. Music, art, and film are also included. After Elementary Spanish I (SPAN 1113) and II (SPAN 1123), students should be able to engage in everyday conversations with native speakers, and read straightforward texts, both fiction and nonfiction, with relative ease. Note: Conducted in Spanish.

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