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Elementary Mathematics Courses

Primary Math 1

Suggested Age:



This course will enable students to begin laying a strong foundation in basic math skills. It includes counting, reading and writing numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and an introduction to fractions. Students will also be held accountable for memorization of math facts learned.

Elementary Math 4/5

Suggested Age:



This is the first course in the sequence which moves students through 3 years of math in 2 years. This sequence can help a student catch up, or help ensure that a student gets to calculus by age 16. Elementary Math 4/5 is the final step in completing the learning objectives for elementary mathematics. Elementary Math 4/5 also begins the process of mastering transition topics. Because this course serves dual purposes, it includes both final mastery of four basic operations, and introduction of transition topics such as measurement, geometry, number lines, and missing number problems.

Bridge Math 5/6

Suggested Age:


Math bridge uses Abeka 5 to provide students with the opportunity to further solidify foundational skills before moving into junior high math. This class dives deeply into operations with fractions and decimals, as well as making word problems understandable and applicable to daily life. In math bridge, students will also become familiar with basic algebraic and geometric formulas. This class serves as the perfect bridge between elementary and middle school mathematics.

Primary Math 2

Suggested Age:



This course builds upon concepts taught in Abeka 1 and enables students to continue laying a strong foundation in basic math skills. Concepts that will be reviewed include counting, place value, addition and subtraction, money, time and graphs. In addition, students will learn simple geometry, multiplication and division, Roman numerals and practice using skills and math facts in story problems. Students will also be held accountable for memorization of math facts learned.

Processes in Problem Solving 1

Suggested Age:



Students will start with the basics of "more than and less than" and progress through complex fraction and time problems. They will learn how to visually represent all concepts. Eventually students will confidently work through the concepts without the visual aids. The goal is also to provide confidence and competence as they advance into middle school problem solving. This class is supplementary to other grade level math courses and not meant as a replacement.

Elementary Math 3

Suggested Age:


The review in this course will enable students to solidify their memorization of all addition and subtraction facts, along with the processes involved with borrowing and carrying. Students will memorize multiplication tables from 0-12, and learn to compute long division problems. Other topics covered include working story problems, converting measurement, averaging numbers, solving basic equations, and performing basic operations with fractions.

Processes in Problem Solving 2

Suggested Age:



Students will learn how to visually understand and represent concepts from "more than and less than" to "fraction and percents". By the end of the year, students will able to solve problems without visual aids and will be confidently solving Algebra 1 level problems with variables. The goal is also to provide confidence and competence as they advance into middle school problem solving. This class is supplementary to other grade level math courses and not meant as a replacement.

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