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Alicia Loran


Regional Director | Decatur
Faculty - English, Mathematics



  • BS in Education with specialization in Reading from Texas A&M University



  • 6 years elementary classroom teacher

  • 13 years homeschool parent

  • 4 years teaching at THEO Christian Outsource in Plano

  • 4 year Board Member of  THEO

  • 6 years children/youth ministry volunteer

  • 4 years private tutoring Logic of English

  • English teacher at AIM Academy online


My son has enjoyed this class. She is very understanding and keeps my son engaged! Mrs. Loran is an excellent teacher!

Thoughtfully prepared content that hits wide-ranging topics in reading, writing, vocab, and grammar. I’m impressed by the content and by the teacher’s engagement and feedback. My student is engaged, the workload is not light but manageable, and the teacher is engaged and knowledgeable and provides high quality feedback.

This course is able to cover all components of ELA in a very encouraging and motivating environment. I appreciate the amount of “homework” which is spread out across 5 days in a realistic manner. In addition, Mrs. Loran shows empathy and understanding without compromising the expectations she holds for each student.

It’s an engaging class, Ms. Loran is quick to respond to emails when there are questions regarding assignments. I really like the number and selection of books chosen for this course as well as the way reading is broken down into x number of chapters each day so as to not be overwhelming.

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