Angela Wetuski

Faculty - Humanities, Foreign Language

Concordia University, Major in Elementary Education, Minor in Reading
Texas State, Masters in Bilingual Education
Currently enrolled in multiple Udemy courses - focusing on graphic and UX/UI design
Texas Teacher Certification - ESL EC-6, Bilingual Generalist EC-4, and more
Homeschool mom of 3 for over 10 years.
ODA parent since 2021
Taught Spanish, Self-Contained Classroom (5th and 2nd), Bilingual (2nd) and ESL - in both private and public schools
Coordinate VBS at our church and the substitute Sunday School teacher for all ages (after years of teaching the preK class)
Currently teaching Spanish for a mixed age group in a small co-op
Homeschool Educator for a missionary family in Venezuela (2000-01)
Lived abroad in Spain - 1997-98
Currently leading two local groups that meet monthly - practicing public speaking and leading in every one of these meetings
Involvement in local and state politics where debate skills are necessary
Attend multiple speaking events and debates where I analyze what worked and what didn't work