Duncan Campbell

Faculty - Fine Arts

Professional Graphic Designer, Caricature Artist, and Photographer
10 Years classroom teaching experience
BTh. (Harding University, '02); MA in Old Testament (Harding School of Theology, ’06)
25 years youth/campus ministry experience, both professional and bi-vocational.
Part time preaching minister, Lake Travis Church of Christ

"Most of us have that one teacher, coach, or special individual that we can look back and identify as having made the greatest impact on our lives during school. For [student name], this may very well be Duncan. [student name] came to us wanting to take a drawing class to draw people more realistically. In less than 8 weeks Duncan has been able to not only help her accomplish that goal but she has also learned about anatomy, rhythm, perspective, expressions and so much more. He has helped her to see the world and all that’s in it through a different lens. He has also somehow unlocked and busted the door wide open for her creativity, self confidence, expression and motivation."