Jenifer Rold

Faculty - Fine Arts

M.A. Curriculum & Instruction, Art Education (secondary/grades 6-12) Northwest Nazarene University, Cum Laude 2010
B.A. Art, Northwest Nazarene University, Cum Laude 2004
A.A. Arts, Treasure Valley C.C. 2001
Fruitland High School Art Teacher & Color Guard Coach 2011-2019
Idaho Arts Education Association Exhibit, Coeur d'Alene, ID 2016
Founded Echo Arts Studio, Ontario OR - since 2011
Vineyard Boise VineArts - 5 years
Outstanding Senior Artist of the Year, NNU Dept. of Art & Music 2003
All Media V International Juried Art Exhibit 2003
Illustrated A Night on Kingwood (2019) by Jayson Derowitsch
Sources of Strength advisor
Transformational Prayer Ministry certified
Created art for The Phoenix Alliance
Charlotte Mason living book library

"She draws connections between ART and HISTORY as well as various forms of art to each other."
"Caring, concerned language is used. Mutual respect is obvious. Not only from teacher to student, student to teacher, but also student to student. It is a very positive and civil environment. HIGH level of sensitivity to students and individuals."
"Tremendous attention paid to individual needs and strengths."
"Extremely FLEXIBLE and responsive to a very diverse student population. Large classes do not deter her from offering each student what they need to learn. Her program has grown and flourished."