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Matt Ryniker


Faculty - Humanities


  • BA in Mathematics from University of Texas at Austin

  • Masters in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary



  • High School teacher for Lanier High School in AISD - 3 years

  • Lead Youth Pastor for Hope Chapel -12 years

  • Sr. Pastor of Hope Chapel - since 2021

  • Teaching in various homeschool co-ops, including ODA - since 2022


“From what she tells us, the class is excellent. I wish I could have taken this class.”-Parent

“My daughter loves Mr. Ryniker's classes! She has told me the conversations are interesting and his way of teaching is understandable and fun. Thank you Mr. Ryniker!”-Parent

“ODA was a wonderful place for our daughter to keep focused and connected. Mr. Ryniker’s class in particular was really spectacular.”-Parent

“I have learned much more about writing essays, which will benefit me in higher levels of education.”-Student

“[I learned] the proper way to write an essay in MLA; how to read a book and tell the author’s world view, and what he is trying to get across.”-Student

“I learned stuff I would’ve never thought of! It was nice to have a taste of views of the world from other people.”


“I grew more confident in my writing, learning new ways to look at literature. I have a better and stronger base for my faith.”-Student

“I liked how Mr. Ryniker taught in a way that was fun and easy to understand.”-Student

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