Michelle Wanders

Faculty - Natural Science, Humanities

B.S. Psychology, Pre-Health Minor, University of Arizona
Blue Chip Leadership, University of Arizona
M.S. Communication Disorders, Emphasis in Speech Language Pathology, Arizona State University
Science Instructor, Homeschool Cooperatives - since 2022
Home Educator - since 2012
Speech Language Pathologist (public school, private practice, medical) - 8 years
Speaker - literacy/learning workshops, Fun Science Friday, speech language pathology CEU course, leadership workshops - since 2001
Instructor/Parent Volunteer - Primary Academic Co-op Day - since 2018
Team Mom/Assistant Coach - Bulverde Little League Baseball
Garden Educator/Volunteer - Bulverde Community Garden/Hill Country Christian Homeschoolers
Co-director of Missions
Served in Children’s Ministries
Served on Special Education Policy Committee
Served on church Security Team
Undergraduate Research Assistant - Neuroscience and Chemistry Labs, University of Arizona
Team Leader - Blue Chip Leadership, University of Arizona
Undergraduate Preceptor - Astronomy Department, University of Arizona