Pam Delay

Faculty – Fine Arts

B.A. Art Education, Minor Behavioral Science
M.A. Art Education
15 hr. graduate study Ottawa University
24 years experience teaching at Jr./Sr. High School level
Designed all curriculum and departmental class structure for two Jr./Sr. High Schools Art programs
By God’s grace, I created and taught two art programs that allowed students to win awards and college
scholarships at Local, State, and Nationally levels
Art Instructor 7-12 Haven Jr./Sr. High School 1994-2006
Art Instructor 7-12 Rock Creek Jr./Sr. High School 2006-2018
Classes taught 2-D & 3-D Design Elements, Drawing, Painting and Design, Graphic Design
Photography and Digital Imaging, Jr High Art Elements, Ceramics, Silversmithing & Jewelry Design
Responsible for set up of winning Artwork displays with gallery openings for League Art shows with full day
workshops for 7-13 different schools-grade levels 9-12
Member of Columbian Artists Group-Columbian Gallery, Wamego, KS. - 12 yrs
Artist selling artwork in multiple galleries - 12 years