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High School Science Courses

Wildlife and Aquatic Science

Suggested Age:



This class is designed for mature 12-17 year-olds who are interested in hands-on learning both in a lab and outdoor setting.  Students should be good readers, capable of taking field notes, and familiar with graphing data.  Topics will include ecoregions of Texas, aquatic ecosystems, water quality and conservation, terrestrial ecosystems, land management and wildlife conservation, and Texas plants, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, and invertebrates.  The class will include outdoor activities and field excursions, including at least one major outing each semester.  Students wishing to earn high school credit will complete a major project.  Contents correspond to TEA classes including Aquatic Science, Environmental Systems, and Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management.

Chemistry 1

Suggested Age:


One high school credit

The goal of this course is to be amazed at God’s precision in creation of matter. 

This college-prep course requires that the student has completed Algebra 1 and will provide a rigorous foundation of principles that affect our daily life.

  • Content covered: writing and balancing chemical equations, density, factor/label method of units, ionic/covalent substances, types of reactions, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, solutions, solubility, acid-base reactions, atomic structures, combustion, freezing point depression, gas laws, and redox reactions.

Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments.  

Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams. Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.

High School Astronomy

Suggested Age:


one high school credit

The goal of this course is to instill a love of God’s truth and splendor as displayed in His universe.

  • Learning objectives include: a detailed study of the history and systems of the universe. interstellar space, matter, antimatter, dark matter, black holes,

  • wormholes, astronomical measurement, the solar system, sun and electromagnetic radiation, inner and outer planets, orbital mechanics, our moon,

  • telescopes, stars, constellations, galaxies, and celestial navigation.

  • Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class.

  • Students perform hands-on experiments.  Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams.

  • There are no At-home tests in the textbook materials.

  • STEM Emphasis:  Research Presentation Required

  • Optional Field Trips/Star Parties to be determined by Instructor

Food & Food Science

Suggested Age:


This introductory course in food science provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, concepts, and applications in the field of food science and food. Through a combination of hands-on activities, students will explore the relevance to food processing, preservation, safety, and quality. How to eat sustainably, learn about your digestion system, learn more uses from God’s bountiful pharmacy and reduce waste. We’ll also learn about healthy ingredients, healthier ways to live, food quality and so much more.

Hands on with the following:

  • How to make butter

  • Food & mold experiment

  • Stomach Digestion Experiment

  • Mixing up your own Dressings

  • Homemade Electrolyte Water

  • Creating Sourdough Fermentation

Student At-Home Projects & Homework

• 1st Semester: 4 Projects, 5 Essays

• 2nd Semester: 9 Projects, 6 Essays

Nutrition, Fitness, and Physiology

Suggested Age:


This course is designed for students who are interested in dietary and fitness guidelines which promote overall physical and emotional wellness.  Students will learn enough about their nutritional and health status to personalize this information rather than follow every guideline issued for an entire population.  The studies will include such topics as: why we need fats, proteins, and carbohydrates; what are vitamins and minerals and how much of them do we need; how does the human body process food; how to read food labels; how to plan healthful meals; and how to make good food choices while eating out. Throughout the course there will be a special emphasis on the importance of exercise, types of exercise available, and the benefits of regular exercise.   In addition, this course will cover aspects of physiology such as digestion and absorption, insulin regulation, and energy production. The course will teach why diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension are rapidly becoming more common among teens. Lastly, this course would not be complete without discussing eating disorders, food intolerances, celiac disease, weight management, sports nutrition, osteoporosis, and the role of managing daily stress.

Marine Biology

Suggested Age:


One high school credit

The goal of this course is to inspire students to value and protect God’s fantastic marine organisms and ecosystems.

  • This course is a detailed study of marine systems and life.  Learning objectives include: ocean composition and regions, biological kingdoms, invertebrates, vertebrates, oceanic zonation, coral reefs, and diverse ecosystems.

  • Dissections or examinations may include: saltwater clam, starfish, shark, squid, lamprey, octopus, sea cucumber, sand dollar, stingray, sea urchin, horseshoe crab, and microscope studies to be determine by instructor.

Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments.  Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams. Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.

Optional Field Trips determined by Instructor.

Research Presentation Required

Outdoor Science

Suggested Age:


The goal of this course is to worship God the Creator through Outdoor Adventure and experience the joy of nature.

  • Content covered: environmental conservation, the principles of leadership, emergency medicine, camping in developed and wilderness areas, survival, firemaking, shelter construction, primitive land navigation, hunting and      fishing, wilderness hygiene, wilderness safety and security, water procurement, and wilderness food preparation.

Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized. Students will perform hands-on learning and practical exercises with a variety of outdoor equipment to become proficient. Students will go on one camping trip** to demonstrate their retention of the material.

Occasional, optional off-campus opportunities (like fishing) will be offered for tasks that can't practically be performed on-campus for interested students.

Students will have reading and homework assignments, take notes in class, and the instructor will issue quizzes and exams.

Do not buy any equipment in advance for this class.

*A student should be able to walk at least two miles without stopping while wearing a backpack

**Primary and alternate dates will be offered for scheduling purposes, students must be transported/escorted on the trip by a parent for liability purposes

Biology 2

Suggested Age:


One high school credit 
The goal of this course is to bring praise to our awesome Creator through the study the Human Body systems.

•    The course is extensive in microscope study and dissection.  Dissection examinations may include per instructor: chicken wing, sheep brain, cow eye, kidney, sheep heart, pregnant rat and fetal pig.  

Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments. 

Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams. Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.

Formal Lab Report Required

Biology 1

Suggested Age:


The goal of this course is to develop an awe of God’s creation of living organisms. one high school credit

High school students typically take Biology 1 when taking Algebra 1.  This course is a college-prep biology course that provides a strong background in scientific classification and terminology.

  • Content covered: microscope skills, biological keys, biological kingdoms, chemistry of life, cytology, genetics, creation/evolution, ecology, botany, and animals.  Students may dissect a clam, grasshopper, perch, earthworm, crayfish, frog, flowers, and a mammalian sheep eye as determined by the instructor.

Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments. Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  

Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams. Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.

Science Project Required

Conceptual Physics

Suggested Age:


This course is designed for the student who is not pursuing a career or college degree that is math-based.  We will explore physics with class lectures and many hands-on activities to unlock the world of physics and God’s hand in it.  Concepts will be demonstrated with easy to understand examples of everyday life experiences.  The text is easy and enjoyable to read.  Testing is over the topic vocabulary, concepts, and math problems (yet less intensive than STEM Physics).  An overview of the topics covered are material substances, mechanics, thermodynamics, wave phenomena, electricity/ magnetism, and modern physics.

Forensic Science

Suggested Age:


One High School Credit

This class is designed to expose students to the over 20 different scientific disciplines that contribute to Forensic Science and how they are applied, using a Biblical worldview.   It is geared toward students who have an interest in any area of the Criminal Justice system.  Topics are of a sensitive nature, so students must be able to handle the topics.

  • Topics include: Real and theoretical case studies, Drugs and Toxicology, Fingerprints, DNA, Residue and patterns, Crime labs, Facial recognition, the Judicial System, and more.

  • Students will perform activities related to the topics, have guest speakers, participate in possible field trips, and create projects for presentation.

  • Classes will have PowerPoint lectures over the material as well as labs and activities.  Notes will be taken by the students, and the instructor will determine any quizzes or exams.

Chemistry 2

Suggested Age:


CLEP Prep Course

One high school credit

The goal of this course is to be in awe of God’s intricate design of the universe.

  • Learning objectives include: a detailed study of stoichiometry, atomic chemistry, phases of matter, solutions, acid-base equilibria, solutions, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, and organic and nuclear chemistry.

Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.  Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments. 

Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams. Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.

Formal Lab Report Required

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