Middle School Science Courses
General Science
Suggested Age:
The goal of this class is to develop curiosity about God’s design and order of matter. Science Project Required
This course is designed for 7th grade middle school science students.
Content covered: introduction into the scientific method, variables in experiments, inquiry method, scientific analysis, earth science, general astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography, chemistry, physics, life science, general biology, environmental science, creation, simple machines.
Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments. Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams.
Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized. Module Tests are taken at home with parent supervision.
Food & Food Science
Suggested Age:
This introductory course in food science provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, concepts, and applications in the field of food science and food. Through a combination of hands-on activities, students will explore the relevance to food processing, preservation, safety, and quality. How to eat sustainably, learn about your digestion system, learn more uses from God’s bountiful pharmacy and reduce waste. We’ll also learn about healthy ingredients, healthier ways to live, food quality and so much more.
Hands on with the following:
How to make butter
Food & mold experiment
Stomach Digestion Experiment
Mixing up your own Dressings
Homemade Electrolyte Water
Creating Sourdough Fermentation
Student At-Home Projects & Homework
• 1st Semester: 4 Projects, 5 Essays
• 2nd Semester: 9 Projects, 6 Essays
Physical Science
Suggested Age:
The goal of this class is to inspire students to pursue learning about God’s creation. Science Project Required
A middle school course designed to be taken before Biology 1, usually 8th grade.
Physical Science is an overview of earth science and basic chemistry and physics.
Content covered: basics of scientific investigation, states of matter, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical reactions, motion, forces, energy, sounds, light, electricity, magnetism, earth science, research and analysis. Safety protocol and best lab practices will be emphasized.
Labs will include a PowerPoint lecture over material covered at home prior to class. Students perform hands-on experiments. Students will take notes in the course supplement and the instructor will determine quizzes and exams.
Module Tests are taken at home under parent supervision.
Wildlife and Aquatic Science
Suggested Age:
This class is designed for mature 12-17 year-olds who are interested in hands-on learning both in a lab and outdoor setting. Students should be good readers, capable of taking field notes, and familiar with graphing data. Topics will include ecoregions of Texas, aquatic ecosystems, water quality and conservation, terrestrial ecosystems, land management and wildlife conservation, and Texas plants, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, and invertebrates. The class will include outdoor activities and field excursions, including at least one major outing each semester. Students wishing to earn high school credit will complete a major project. Contents correspond to TEA classes including Aquatic Science, Environmental Systems, and Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management.