Spanish Courses
Spanish: Conversational A
Suggested Age:
This foundational class invites students to enjoy the process of learning the Spanish language spoken in Latin America. Weekly teaching time will cover new vocabulary, conversational phrases and language comprehension skills. Singular personal pronouns and present-tense verb conjugations will be introduced. We will learn through class discussions, activities, games, songs, Bible verses and read aloud stories. Students will bring home vocabulary lists and activity sheets for daily practice.
Spanish 1B
Suggested Age:
Spanish 1B continues the modified high school course started on Spanish 1A, covering the last six chapters of the Spanish 1 text. Upon completion, students receive one full credit of high school foreign language.
Student must be willing to commit 45-60 minutes of homework every school day in addition to class time.
Spanish 3
Suggested Age:
This course will use authentic resources to help students grow in language proficiency, by applying the vocabulary and grammar acquired in Spanish 1 and 2. Every class meeting will include reading, listening, writing and speaking in Spanish surrounding a theme. Examples of Spanish authentic resources include articles, commercials, songs, infographics, short movies, and literary works. At home, students will continue exploring the theme or story introduced in class through a variety of listening and reading assignments. Homework will be discussed and graded in class. At the end of each unit, students will complete an integrated performance project or an in-class written assessment. Advanced grammar will be integrated into the units and learned in context. Bible reflections will be assigned at the end of each unit.
Spanish: Conversational B
Suggested Age:
This class invites students to grow in their Spanish comprehension and language acquisition through stories, games, conversations, and engaging grammar lessons. Students will also explore Latin American culture and traditions. Weekly work at home includes reading and review exercises.
Spanish 1
Suggested Age:
The Spanish 1 course is designed for one full high school foreign language credit. The text presents the basics of the Spanish language as spoken in Latin America. Students learn greetings, verb conjugation, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical structures. They also expand their horizons through the cultural/historical highlights and get a glimpse of the Spanish-speaking world as a mission field. Students will develop a beginning reading and conversational ability. The material will emphasize understanding and practical application rather than rote memory. Students should have a basic understanding of English grammar, preferably through the seventh grade, before beginning this course. New vocabulary and grammar skills are introduced weekly. The 75 minute class will enable the student to complete approximately 3-3 1/2 hours of work for home consisting of memory work, written exercises, on-line assignments, quizzes and tests. Daily work and class participation are essential for success in the class.
Spanish 4
Suggested Age:
This course will use authentic resources to help students grow in language proficiency. Examples of Spanish authentic resources include articles, commercials, songs, infographics, short movies, and literary works. Class meetings include reading, listening, writing and speaking in Spanish. DIscussion focuses on the contemporary worlds and our contributions to society as followers of Christ. At home, students will continue exploring the material introduced in class through a variety of listening and reading assignments. Homework will be discussed and graded in class. At the end of each unit, students will complete an integrated performance project or an in-class written assessment, as well as a Bible reflection. Advanced grammar will be integrated into the units and learned in context.
Spanish 1A
Suggested Age:
Spanish 1A is a high school course that has been modified to meet the needs of middle school students, using the same text as the Spanish 1 class, but only covering the first six chapters. The course is designed to present the basics of the Spanish language as spoken in Latin America. This class will focus on understanding meaning and using the language rather than rote memorization. This course is ideal for motivated 7th/8th graders who are ready to start their high school credits.
The main goal is to apply the language acquired to meaningful conversations. In order to accomplish this, students must commit to study at least 20 minutes every school day at home.
Spanish 2
Suggested Age:
The Spanish 2 course builds on the foundation of Spanish 1 and is designed for one full high school foreign language credit. Using the Spanish 2 text from BJU Press, students will learn to communicate in everyday situations. Key grammatical principles including reflexive verbs, direct and indirect objects, pronouns and preterit and imperfect tenses will be studied. Scripture passages that will allow the students to share the gospel will be introduced, and the cultural/historical highlights first introduced in Spanish 1 will be continues in Spanish 2. New vocabulary and grammar skills are introduced weekly. The 90 minute class will enable the student to complete approximately 3-3 1/2 hours of work for home consisting of memory work, written exercises, on-line assignments, quizzes and tests. Daily work and class participation are essential for success in the class.