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Student Activities

Most folks who have been a part the homeschool community recognize the importance of all the activities which are available to the homeschool community.   Across the board, students who are educated at home are looking to do more than study and participate in academics.  Academic pursuit is important, but it is not the only aspect of a young person’s life.  Students are looking to plug into activities which interest them, from debate and robotics to athletics and music.  Chess, Martial arts, animal husbandry, or even math can be the basis for students getting together when it is an interest they share in common.


Because of this reality, a myriad of opportunities exist through organizations which exist to serve students who are educated at home.  Collectively, these organizations serve hundreds of thousands of families in communities across every state in the nation.  They promote friendship, mentoring, competition, and the opportunity for students to develop a skill or passion.  These organizations are mostly run by volunteers, talented and committed individuals who want to be a part of supporting the homeschool community.  Many of these organizations are affiliated with state and national organizations or competitions.  Overall, they bless the students who participate in them and provide a sense of the richness which is the homeschool community.  We are glad that these activities are there, and we are glad when students find them and are blessed by participating in them.


To this end, we are committed to highlighting ministry partners: organizations whose leaders love the Lord, and serve the homeschool community because they recognize all that God is doing there.  If you are a parent looking for an opportunity for your children, please feel free to look around at all that is available in your area.  If you are involved in running such an organization, please feel free to contact One Day Academy so that we can highlight what you are doing.  Whatever your role, thank you for your commitment to God and what He is doing through the homeschool community.  May God bless you and yours in all that you do for His glory.


David Swarbrick

Director – One Day Academy

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