World View Courses
Why Study World View
World View is an honors level course of study designed to prepare students for a lifetime of learning across the disciplines. The objective is to learn to think critically and biblically in order to be prepared for the rigors of college study and life beyond. Students embark on a rigorous study of the classics and primary sources of foundational ideas of Western Civilization. At the same time, students are challenged to think through these works in light of Scripture and to defend their views logically and biblically. The courses include extensive reading, writing, Socratic discussion, discernment exercises, and oral presentations.
World View studies integrate the required core subjects of English, History, and Government, as well as Philosophy and Bible electives. World View in addition to math, science, and a foreign language is considered a full academic load.
World View High School Credits
World Views of the Western World is an alternate path to high school English, History and elective credits.
This honors-level course of study is for highly motivated students who desire an integrated approach to acquiring these credits.
Starting Points (2 credits total):
English Literature 1 credit
Bible/Philosophy 1 credit
World View 1 (4 credits total):
English 1 (Essay/Composition) 1 credit
World History 1 credit
Ancient Literature 1 credit
Philosophy Elective 1 credit
World View 2 (4 credits total):
English 2 1 credit
American History 1 credit
Medieval Literature 1 credit
Government 1/2 credit
Philosophy Elective 1/2 credit
World View 3 (4 credits total):
English 3 1 credit
American History 1 credit
Modern Literature 1 credit
Philosophy Elective 1 credit
“The Worldview course helped me learn to think critically about everything from literature to food to friendships. It taught me how to write a tight essay and it provided a solid foundation for making informed decisions. Because the curriculum covered so much history and philosophy, I often find myself drawing upon what I learned in that class to inform my daily conversations and studies. The class was challenging and it enriched and shaped my high school education.”
--WV graduate
"My World View classes were hands down the most important classes of my high school years. From Starting Points all the way to World View 3, these classes not only taught me core classes like English, History, and Government, but also the history and events that lead to the groundbreaking ideas of the Western World. Even though these topics were excellent to study, the most valuable thing I learned from these classes is how to recognize and respond to worldviews, especially when they don’t line up with Christian doctrine.
--WV graduate
World View Starting Points
Suggested Age:
The Starting Points course is preparatory to the high school courses World Views of the Western World I, II, and III. Although Starting Points is not required before taking World View, it is an advantageous introduction. Starting Points can also stand alone as an introductory apologetics course. If a student could take only one World View class, this should be the one because it lays the foundation for a biblical understanding of the world.
This is a 2-credit course: English and Bible.
Starting Points – Where Our Thinking Begins
Provides the Basic Foundation of the Biblical World View
Provides Practice in Examining Literature from the Biblical World view
Provides Three Approaches to Apologetics
Provides an Examination of the Foundations of the United States
The Apostle Paul, writing in 1 Thess.5:21, explains that Christians are to "examine everything carefully." We are to examine ideas – testing and proving all things – discerning which ideas are true from the vast array of ideas that are flowing from society. Paul then explains that we are to "hold fast to that which is good."
These four words represent the focus of STARTING POINTS.
Christianity and Ancient Thought
Suggested Age:
As a continuation of the worldview foundations established in Starting Points, “Christianity and Ancient Thought,” provides an alternative approach to traditional High School English and History through a comparative study of the Christian Worldview as contrasted with the early Greco-Roman patterns of thought that dominated Western culture through the Middle Ages before ultimately giving way to enlightenment and contemporary secular humanist worldviews. Study will consist of a survey of primary sources such as Homer, Plato, Socrates, Virgil and Augustine of Hippo, among others.
Total Credits Awarded (3):
English 1 (Essay/Composition) – 1 Credit
World History – 1 Credit
Ancient Literature – 1 Credit
World View 1
Suggested Age:
World View 1 is designed to give an overview of the progression of Western thought and culture. Covering the Ancient World to the Middle Ages (Creation to 1100 A.D.), this first year of World View prepares students to face an increasingly pagan world. Students investigate and compare the great philosophers, writers, and streams of thought originating from Israel, Greece, and Rome that helped form modern presuppositions.
This is a 4-credit course: English, Ancient Literature, World History, and Philosophy.
Students are expected to keep extensive syllabus notes, write several reflective and argumentative papers, give oral presentations in class, as well as write and present a major research paper.
The books studied in World View I include, but are not limited to:
Creation Regained, Albert M. Wolters
The Iliad, Homer
Genesis in Space and Time, Francis Schaffer
The Universe Next Door, James Sire
The Odyssey, Homer
How Long O Lord, Carson
Plato’s Republic, Plato
The Aeneid, Virgil
The God Who is There, Francis Schaffer
Escape from Reason, Francis Schaffer
He is There and He is Not Silent, Francis Schaffer
The City of God, St. Augustine
Church History in Plain Language, Bruce Shelly
World View 2
Suggested Age:
The second year of World View covers the periods of the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Revolutionary Era (c. 1200-1800). Students focus on the primary works that shaped these periods and their impact on the formation of the Western Mind and American government. Class discussions will aim at moving beyond the details of the texts to their cultural implications.
This is a 4-credit course: English, Medieval Literature, American History, Philosophy ½, and Government ½.
Course work includes extensive syllabus note taking, six short papers, a major research paper on the Declaration of Independence, class debates, and impromptu writing assignments.
The books studied in World View II include, but are not limited to:
The Divine Comedy, Dante
Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
Le Morte d’ Arthur, Malory
How Should We Then Live, Schaeffer
Paradise Lost, Milton
Institutes, Calvin
Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan
Second Treatise of Government, Locke
Federalist Papers
Democracy in America, de Tocqueville
Tale of Two Cities, Dickens
The Soul of Science, Pearcey & Thaxton
Total Truth, Pearcey
Animal Farm, Orwell
Communist Manifesto, Marx
Current Events from A Christian World View
Suggested Age:
Rather than merely reacting to current events, Christians must be proactive. We must charge the next generation with the unchanging truth of the Gospel, rooted in knowledge and wisdom. Our Current Events class is anchored in Scripture, and this conviction serves as our guiding principle throughout the curriculum. This course aims to analyze the truthfulness and trustworthiness the information we receive from news and media and compare them to a biblical worldview.
Students will:
Study current events as they unfold
Learn to differentiate between fake news and reliable news sources
Research the background of current news events
Analyze the causes and effects of current events
Give Power Point presentations to demonstrate what they have learned
This is an interactive course. Students will engage in lively discussions and debates during class time.
Students are expected to read a news source at least three times a week to familiarize themselves with the fast-paced nature of current events. Class participation is a vital aspect of this course and can be earned through active engagement in discussions. Depending on the duration of their reading, listening, or watching of news sources, students can anticipate spending 2-4 hours per week on homework.
World View 3
Suggested Age:
This is the third and culminating year of World View spanning the period from the American Civil War to the Modern Era (c. 1850-Present). Students read primary works and analyze their impact on the formation of the modern mind and American culture. In this Socratic setting, students prepare for college level work through extensive reading, journaling, and current event discussion and analysis.
This is a 4-credit course: English, Modern Literature, American History, and Philosophy.
Course work includes a reading journal, in-class essays, debate exercises, several short papers, and a major research paper. Class discussions will aim at moving beyond the details of the texts to their implications.
The books studied in World View III include, but are not limited to:
Total Truth, Pearcey
Origin of Species, Darwin
Darwin on Trial, Johnson
How Should We Then Live, Schaeffer
Killer Angels, Shaara
Up From Slavery, Washington
Rites of Spring, Eksteins
Modern Times, Johnson
Letters and Papers in Prison, Bonhoeffer
Citizen Soldiers, Ambrose
Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt
Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway
The Plague, Camus
Screwtape Letters, Lewis